The Union of Teaching and Accomplishment Publishing Group

Welcome to the digital home of the Union of Teaching and Accomplishing Publishing Group. We work to prepare and publish critical edition versions of various Tibetan texts that are difficult to find and are useful for those studying the classical curriculum within the Tibetan monastic education system or useful for connecting your studies to your practice.

We have been focused primarily on compiling and editing Tibetan language texts, though we do have some translation ideas and projects that are also in the works. If you navigate to our Translations Download page you will find a number of short prayers and practices available, but these are all translations undertaken by individual members or friends of the publishing group that have found a digital home here. If you are a translator and have completed texts you would like to submit please contact us, as we are developing what criteria we will use to accept translations. We do have some thoughts about larger scale translation projects that we may embark on as a group, and publishing translations is something we hope and intend to do, but it is best still classified as “in progress.”

The websites that had been hosting the digital versions of our publications stopped being maintained, so we put this simple site together to make sure the texts were available, and decided to include some translations as long as we had staked out the digital real estate. We hope you find some of the materials here helpful.