The Array of Sukhavati Pure Land: A Concise Mahayana Sūtra

The Array of Sukhavati Pure Land:
A Concise Mahayana Sūtra


In the pure realm of Boundless Light
Not even the term “saṃsāra’s six transmigrations” exists,
Since non-āryas do not reside there.
May I be reborn in the pure land of Boundless Light!

In the pure realm of Boundless Light
Not even the terms “day” and “night” exist,
Since the light of ārya wisdom shines there.
May I be reborn in the pure land of Boundless Light!

In the pure realm of Boundless Light
Not even the terms “earth” and “rock” exist,
Since it is perfectly adorned with various jewels.
May I be reborn in the pure land of Boundless Light!

In the pure realm of Boundless Light
Not even the term “mundane wind” exists.
Since it has the fragrance of Vairochana’s incense.
May I be reborn in the pure land of Boundless Light!

In the pure realm of Boundless Light
Not even the terms “thicket” and “forest” exist,
Since it is perfectly adorned with bodhi trees.
May I be reborn in the pure land of Boundless Light!

In the pure realm of Boundless Light
Not even the term “mundane food” exists,
Since everyone partakes of the food of samadhi.
May I be reborn in the pure land of Boundless Light!

In the pure realm of Boundless Light
Not even the term “abyss of the bad transmigrations” exists,
Since everyone abides as equals.
May I be reborn in the pure land of Boundless Light!

In the pure realm of Boundless Light
Not even the terms “king” or “minister” exist,
Since the King of Dharma himself resides there.
May I be reborn in the pure land of Boundless Light!

In the pure realm of Boundless Light
Not even the term “mundane water” exists,
Since rivers enriched with the eight nectars flow there.
May I be reborn in the pure land of Boundless Light!

In the pure realm of Boundless Light
Not even the term “mundane fire” exists,
Since the fire of clear wisdom blazes there.
May I be reborn in the pure land of Boundless Light!

In the pure realm of Boundless Light
Not even the term “mundane clothing” exists,
Since everyone wears excellent, divine Pañchali cloth.
May I be reborn in the pure land of Boundless Light!

In the pure realm of Boundless Light
Not even the term “birth-place” exists,
Since all beings are born there miraculously.
May I be reborn in the pure land of Boundless Light!

If you write The Array of Sukhavati Pure Land: A Concise Mahayana Sūtra spoken by Dharmakāya Boundless Light in gold, you will definitely be reborn in Sukhavati for 100,000 eons. If you write it in gold and silver, you will definitely be reborn in Sukhavati for 10,000 eons. If you write it in silver, you will definitely be reborn in Sukhavati for 1,000 eons. If you write it in vermillion, you will definitely be reborn in Sukhavati for 100 eons. If you write it in black ink, you will definitely be reborn in Sukhavati for 10 eons. You will definitely be reborn in the pure realm of Dharmakāya Boundless Light.

This is the essence of the ultimate. It is the pith of the dharmatā. It is the king of all confessions of misdeeds. Even though you kill insects and creatures, such as 100 people, 100 horses, 100 snakes, 100 dogs, 100 women, 100 cattle, 100 fish, 100 pigs, 100 monkeys, and 100 sheep; curse others; poison others; engage in miserliness and deceit; are the owner of a dog that kills deer; have degenerated your promises and commitments and then engage in sexual misconduct; kill your guru, abbot, or teacher; or do any of the ten nonvirtues, if you write and recite this, you will definitely be purified.

Whatever wicked person writes, reads, or recites this, understanding it all, having faith, aspiration, and respect for it, and spreading it everywhere, if they read or recite this three times there is no doubt they will be reborn in Sukhavati Pure Land and become a buddha. Don’t doubt whether they will or will not be hell beings, or think that it might be true.

When someone dies, on the morning of the cremation the best is to have a lama do this ritual for the corpse; the middling is for a geshe to do it; and the last is for a monk to do it. If that isn’t possible, at least someone who knows how to read should do it. If it is recited three times and then tapped on the corpse’s head three times, without doubt that person will become a buddha.

In this eon, all Dharma practices that are sealed with this prayer of dedication are greatly meritorious. If those who write, recite, keep, or disseminate it read or recite it three times, they will not experience sickness or [untimely] death. May their wishes be fulfilled, and may they meet those who are auspicious and have the karma [to be born in Sukhavati].

Colophon: This prayer, The Array of Sukhavati Pure Land: A Concise Mahayana Sūtra (bde chen zhing bkod kyi mdo bsdus pa theg pa chen po), [is a summary of] the extensive description of Sukhavati Pure Land spoken by Dharmakāya Amitābha within the fifth chapter, the Dharmakāya Amitābha Chapter, of [The Heap of Jewels Sutra,] 100,000 Chapters Enumerating the Mahāyāna Dharma.

Translator’s Colophon: Translated by Ven. Gyalten Lekden at the request of, and with editorial suggestions by, Kyabje Lama Zopa Rinpoche, Sera Je Monastery, India, February 2020. This prayer is accepted as the speech of Buddha Amitabha, and is understood to be a summary of The Array of Arya Amitabha Sutra, which is a text found in the Kangyur. However, the notes in small letters that describe the benefits of the text, which are found at the end of the text in the prayer book used by Lama Zopa Rinpoche, do not seem to come from that Kangyur text, and it is not clear whether these notes are also the advice of Buddha Amitabha or were added by a later editor or compiler. They are included in this translation because Lama Zopa Rinpoche believes them to be accurate descriptions of the benefits of this text and wants to make sure that all students are aware of its value.

Any benefit that comes from this translation is dedicated to all the holy gurus’ continued display of good health and long life.
